Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Preventing your health is much better than cure. You can do more things and happy when you are in good condition, but when you get sick sometimes you blame the other unless it caused by your neglected to unprotected your health – e.g. Irregular eat and less drinking water, consume junk food and other unhealthy food. Not enough rest and exercise, air pollutes, etc.

Here are several simple tips to prevent your health

  • Avoid the pollutions area.

- Go sometimes to the village or an area that have clean and fresh air.

- Stop smoking / cigarettes

- Avoid using pesticides in your home to kill insects


  • Consume health and natural food

- Vegetables and fruits better than meat, but it do not mean you cannot eat meat. Almost all foods: vegetables, fruits and meats pollute by synthetics chemical or chemical additions.

- Consume enough vitamins and mineral or supplement if it necessary. NO DRUGS!.

- Get enough vitamins, good balances of mineral and nutrition.

  • Drink enough fresh and clean water

- Drink the warm water is better than cold water.

- Drink fresh and natural milk

- Avoid alcohol, chemical additive water

  • Rest Enough and Exercises

- Rest or sleep, 8 hours per day optimally. Sleep quickly at night and wake up early in the morning.

- Exercise regularly once a week minimum

- Always keep clean your environment, keep clean your body, do not wasting time or arrest your biological needs to pees and keep control your health once a month.

Remember that your health is your responsibility.

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