Monday, June 9, 2008

From the Nature for Health – Sirih The Piper Betle

By Ridwan

Piper Betle in Indonesia and Malaysia known as Daun Sirih. This creeping plantations in its scientists classification including Piper Betle from Magnoliopsida class with the scientific name as Piper betle L. Some of the peoples in villages in Indonesia, sometimes this leaves of Sirih or Piper Betle have a fresh herbal aromatic and sometimes it used as chewy with areca nuts, other leaves and lime/chalk as a This leaves usually used in traditional ceremony, especially in tribe of Melayu.

This leaves used as a medicine plantations have many helpfulness. For internal of the human body, it used as a cough medicine, bronchitis, even in traditional community it used as a medicine for restoring virginity or it used as antiseptic and antioxidant, mouth disease, tooth ache, etc. Piper Betle also used as a medicine for wounds, healing of burns, and skin problems for external body.

How are sirih leaves used for internal of the human body? Some 10 to 20 leaves wounds to a short boil. The water is then left to cool down. This water can then be used to increase and eject phlegm, use to rinse the mouth, or to wash the female genitals. However, more effective is to have the water in a small basin, and then to sit inside for 15 to 30 minutes.

Another simple way to use this leaves for external body, Sirih leaves used as antiseptic for wound and healing of burns, By pounded or crush the leaves and rub the essence to the sick area.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back to Nature

By Ridwan

This time at least 7.500 of the medicine plants have founded and 10 % of those purposed as a medicine plants for hearth disease and hypertension. Those medicine plants have a function for diuretic, increasing the urine production and burn fat in the body. Examples: Star Fruits ( Averrhoa carambola L ) for urines launching, White onion (Allium sativum L ) for preventing strokes and deceases the blood pressures.

In this era, the commercial industries of traditional medicine plants have been plantation those plants intensively. Medicine plants expected to compete with non-traditional medicines, and these traditional medicines have proved their effectiveness and advantage.

Like the two sides of coin, some peoples plant these traditional medicines in their garden, the other side of peoples behaving skeptic. The other sides of peoples have more practically thinking and pragmatically. Even to choose the medicine. They more like to buy an instant medicine from the drug store.

Some Universities in Asia have been researching the kind of the medicine plants which having the flavonoid chemical compound, which proved ability to decrease blood pressures and hearth diseases.

By the research of some universities, the phenomena above have changed with raising the people’s consciousness for back to nature

Friday, June 6, 2008

Try These Anti-Aging Foods For A Youthful Appearance

by Bob Cotto

Today's society values beauty above intelligence and youth above wisdom. A lot of people look for anti-aging answers in bottles or pills.

Basically a youthful appearance revolves around a well maintained body which involves monitoring of saturated fats, total calories and increasing consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Anti-aging strategies include eating less sugar, white flour and salt.
Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin E (for healthy skin) and vegetable fat that reduces high density lipids levels (bad cholesterol).

Berries like blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are an excellent source of the powerful antioxidants, flavonoids, which helps prevent free radical damage in the body.
Other excellent anti-aging foods include cauliflower, cabbage, kale, broccoli, watercress and radishes (cruciferous vegetables). Eat these raw or lightly cooked to avoid destroying important enzymes which help the body combat toxin build up and cancer.

Garlic is excellent. Attempts have been made to imitate its benefits in pill form, however fresh garlic remains the best. A clove of garlic daily (cooked or raw) in a meal helps protect the body against cancer and heart disease. Research shows that women aged between 55 years and 69 years who ate a clove of garlic once weekly were less likely to develop cancer of the colon by 50%. Research in India shows that garlic reduces cholesterol and assists in thinning the blood.
The spicy root ginger helps the circulatory and digestive systems. It is beneficial to elderly people and it is said to lessen rheumatic pains and aches.

Nuts are a good source of minerals and vegetable fat and help lower cholesterol levels. Raw almonds are rich in vegetable protein while walnuts are a good sources of iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper.
An brilliant source of beta carotene (a powerful antioxidant) is carrots and helps combat cancer, numerous diseases and aging. Studies show that carrots eaten daily reduce the risk of a number of cancer types and actually helps maintain good vision, protecting the eyes from diseases associated with age. Carrots are most beneficial eaten raw or as a freshly made juice. They are great in salads.

Other anti-aging foods are lentils, sprouts, brown rice, raw nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, wheatgrass juice and seaweed. These foods provide nutrients the body needs to regenerate cells that are more youthful and stronger.
Drinking a lot of good quality water is essential as is plenty of sleep. Water hydrates the cells, giving them essential minerals required for proper functioning while sleep helps the body to regenerate each day.

About the Author
Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Enjoy healthy eating with citrus fruits

By Tony Robinson

There are few single food groups with as much to recommend them, and as many health benefits, as citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are packed full of a number of important vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. In addition, citrus fruits are delicious, abundant, and usually quiet inexpensive.

Citrus fruits abound in most modern grocery stores, even in the winter months. Thanks to modern distribution networks, citrus fruits grown around the world are easily accessible in the supermarkets of this country.

Of course many people prefer locally grown citrus fruits, but when they are not available, shipped citrus is a good substitute. There is a growing season for each kind of citrus in various parts of the country, so it pays to familiarize yourself with those seasons in order to take advantage of the freshest locally grown tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and more.

Citrus fruits are perfect for anytime of day, from a grapefruit in the morning to an orange at lunchtime to a dinner salad piled high with locally grown tomatoes.

Citrus fruits contain so many important vitamins and minerals that it would be impossible to list them all. Citrus fruits are a good example of why fresh fruits and vegetables are a better source of complete nutrition than vitamin supplements. While some of the important vitamins and nutrients contained in citrus fruits have been identified and synthesized, others, particularly the many trace minerals, have not. There is simply no pharmacological substitute for healthy eating.

Vitamin C is probably the most important, and the most well known, nutrient provided by citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. Vitamin C has been widely studied, and it is thought to play an important role in keeping us healthy.

Vitamin C plays a vital role in keeping skin and gums healthy, and in protecting the cells of the body from damage by free radicals. And since vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, it is important to eat foods high in vitamin C every day. Vitamin C is not stored in the body like fat soluble vitamins are, and any vitamin C not used each day is excreted.

Fortunately, it is easy to get the vitamin C you need each day from citrus fruits. For instance, a single orange contains over 150% percent of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin C.

Many people do not realize, that in addition to vitamin C, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits also contain significant amounts of fiber. Fiber plays an important role in digestion, and it is thought to have protective qualities against heart disease and some forms of cancer. In addition, fiber is thought to have the ability to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Perhaps the most important benefit of citrus fruits is the presence of folic acid. This important vitamin is known to prevent many neural cord birth defects such as spina bifida when consumed early in a pregnancy, and for this reason folic acid has been added to everything from bread to cereal. It is best, however for women and men alike to get this important nutrient from the foods they eat, and citrus fruits are rich in folic acid.

Potassium is another important benefit of citrus fruits. When many people think of potassium, they think of bananas, but bananas are not the only fruit that contains significant levels of potassium. Many citrus fruits also contain plenty of potassium.

Potassium levels are very important to good health, since potassium plays a role in maintaining proper levels of bodily fluids, and it also affects the absorption of other nutrients. The stresses of modern life, including consumption of caffeine and alcohol, stress and dehydration, can all play havoc with potassium levels, so it is important to eat foods rich in potassium every day.

With all these advantages, it is easy to see why citrus fruits are so popular. Even people who do not normally eat fruits and vegetables often have a hard time saying no to a great glass of orange juice or a nice juicy grapefruit.

The Key to Long and Healthy Lifestyle

by Joi Hernaez, an SEO specialist.

It’s very easy to give you the keys on living a long and healthy life. In fact, you may already know what the answers are. These are the basic fundamentals on living a healthy life:

Eat the Right Food
When we say right food, we are talking about those healthy foods
like organic fruits and vegetables. I’m not saying that you would have to be a vegetarian just to live longer. What I’m saying here is don’t eat too much of those unhealthy junk foods. The key here is to eat in moderation. You may not know that there are known five absolute worst foods you can eat. Those foods that is high in Trans fats and lots of toxins. The five worst foods are doughnuts, soda, fried non-fish sea foods, French fries, and chips. Doughnuts actually contain trans fats, almost all of the varieties, and can actually give you 200 to 300 calories, mostly from sugar. Soda is loaded with artificial colors and sulphites which can harm your body; one can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar which contain about 150 calories. Diet varieties are loaded with aspartame, a known artificial sweetener that can cause cancer. Fried non-fish seafood like shrimps and clams are loaded with toxic mercury and trans fats. French fries is well known to be loaded with trans fats. Chips are also high in trans fats.

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise can help you lose weight, improve your resistance to fight infections, lower your risk of having cancer other diseases, it can also help your brain work better and can make you smarter. When you exercise, it helps your body to work and helps in improving your blood circulation. If you are overweight, don’t push too hard with the exercise, you can start by walking. And then increase the intensity of your exercise routine so you’ll get used to it. The trick here is being consistent with your exercise. Discipline yourself and don’t be too lazy, once you’ve discipline yourself, it’ll become a routine and you’ll be happy because you have done what you have to do. You will feel proud of yourself because you can see that you are improving with your life.

Drink a Lot of Water
Human body is mostly water; this fact is one of those reasons why ongoing intake of water is essential for the body to function. It’s been said many times that one person should drink at least eight-ounce glasses of water per day but did you know that you need more water than that? According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, the rule of thumb is, for every 50 pounds of body weight you carry, drink one quart of bottle spring or filtered water per day.

Social Ties and Having Good Friends on your Side
Staying healthy and living longer is not simply a matter of eating fruits, vegetables, exercising, drinking lots of water, or getting good medical care. Good friends can also help you live longer and have a healthy lifestyle.
Harvard researchers investigated the effect of social ties, death and heart disease, in a 10-year follow-up study of nearly 30,000 male health professionals. Roughly half of the men reported belonging to large social networks that included a spouse, a large number of friends or relatives, and/or community group involvement.
Men who were more socially isolated, however, were nearly 20% more likely to die from any cause than their more socially integrated peers, the investigators found. Socially isolated men were also 53% more likely to die from a heart-related cause than those who reported the highest number of social ties. Further, those with a moderately low number of social connections had a more than twofold greater risk of death from accidents and suicides than did their peers with the most social ties.
Social isolation is a 'risk factor' for ill health that deserves as much attention as other risk factors for cardiovascular disease and other ailments.