Monday, June 9, 2008

From the Nature for Health – Sirih The Piper Betle

By Ridwan

Piper Betle in Indonesia and Malaysia known as Daun Sirih. This creeping plantations in its scientists classification including Piper Betle from Magnoliopsida class with the scientific name as Piper betle L. Some of the peoples in villages in Indonesia, sometimes this leaves of Sirih or Piper Betle have a fresh herbal aromatic and sometimes it used as chewy with areca nuts, other leaves and lime/chalk as a This leaves usually used in traditional ceremony, especially in tribe of Melayu.

This leaves used as a medicine plantations have many helpfulness. For internal of the human body, it used as a cough medicine, bronchitis, even in traditional community it used as a medicine for restoring virginity or it used as antiseptic and antioxidant, mouth disease, tooth ache, etc. Piper Betle also used as a medicine for wounds, healing of burns, and skin problems for external body.

How are sirih leaves used for internal of the human body? Some 10 to 20 leaves wounds to a short boil. The water is then left to cool down. This water can then be used to increase and eject phlegm, use to rinse the mouth, or to wash the female genitals. However, more effective is to have the water in a small basin, and then to sit inside for 15 to 30 minutes.

Another simple way to use this leaves for external body, Sirih leaves used as antiseptic for wound and healing of burns, By pounded or crush the leaves and rub the essence to the sick area.

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